BAG MAPPING – Find Your Distances
One of the most important lessons you could take is a Bag Mapping session. Bag Mapping is charting out your average carry and total distances with all the clubs in your bag. We will typically offer this service as part of a package of lessons that our students purchase through our Academy. This is also […]
Find Your Lost Distance!
Most students come in and complain about consistency with their ball striking, most notably, solid contact. To strike a ball solidly when it is sitting on the ground, we must first strike the golf ball before the ground, which will lead to a divot in front of the golf ball. Struggling players don’t understand how […]
Stop trying to make Birdies
Did the title of this article grab your attention? Did he really just tell me to STOP trying to shoot lower scores? This guy has gone off the DEEP END!!! This is typical of what I hear from students who are struggling to shoot the scores they want. Don’t get me wrong, I would love […]